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This is a set of instructions on spinning up hypha in a docker container for evaluation of the system. While Docker is a well suited to this type of quick exploration, we do not currently recommend these docker instructions for production use. Instead, we advise production deployments to instead install into a stand-alone directory.


Recent version of Docker.


You will need two domain to run this app. One for the public site and one for the apply site. Make sure your DNS points to the server running these containers.

Get the code

git clone hypha

cd hypha

Everything from now on will happen inside the hypha directory.


Modify Docker and Nginx Files

There are several files you will need to modify before you run docker-compose.

  • docker-compose:
  • change line dockerfile: docker/ to read dockerfile: docker/
  • change ports in web section to '80:80'
  • in Environment variables section: add your domain.
  • Move nginx/hypha.conf to nginx/hypha-dev.conf and move nginx/hypha-prod.conf to nginx/hypha.conf

Build the Docker images

Move to the "docker" directory.

cd docker

Run the docker compose command to build the images. This will take some time.

If you need to rebuild the images to get a later version just run the "build" again.

docker-compose build

Start the docker environment

To start the docker containers you use the "up" command. This command you will use each time you want to start up and use this docker environment.

docker-compose up

Access the docker environment

Go to your domain - you should see the app deployed.

Run commands in the docker environment

To get bash shell on the container that runs the Django app, use this command.

docker-compose exec py bash

Here you can issue django commands as normal. You might want to change the user - the default is circleci, but most of the code is owned by the user 'node'. To do that:

docker-compose exec -u node py bash

To get a shell on the container that runs Postgres, use this command.

docker-compose exec db bash

Stop the docker environment.

Press Ctrl+C in the terminal window.

Other considerations

Setting your own PostgreSQL password

In the docker-compose.yml file, there is under db, an environment section with database name, user, and password. You can set those, then remember, in the Docker file, to use those in the DATABASE_URL environment variable.

SSL certificates

This setup is port 80 only. To set up an SSL certificate, you'd have to:

  • add port 443 to the nginx section of the docker-compose file
  • add a volume to hold your certs
  • add the certification info to the nginx configuration file