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Bases: BaseGenericSetting

cookieconsent_active class-attribute instance-attribute

cookieconsent_active = BooleanField('Activate cookie pop-up banner', default=False)

cookieconsent_title class-attribute instance-attribute

cookieconsent_title = CharField('Cookie banner title', max_length=255, default='Your cookie settings')

cookieconsent_message class-attribute instance-attribute

cookieconsent_message = RichTextField('Cookie consent message', default='<p>This website deploys cookies for basic functionality and to keep it secure. These cookies are strictly necessary. Optional analysis cookies which provide us with statistical information about the use of the website may also be deployed, but only with your consent. Please review our <a href="/data-privacy-policy/">Privacy &amp; Data Policy</a> for more information.</p>')

cookieconsent_essential_about class-attribute instance-attribute

cookieconsent_essential_about = RichTextField('Essential cookies information to be displayed under "Learn More"', default='<p>Strictly necessary for the operation of a website because they enable you to navigate around the site and use features.  These cookies cannot be switched off in our systems and do not store any personally identifiable information.</p>')

cookieconsent_analytics class-attribute instance-attribute

cookieconsent_analytics = BooleanField('Include consent option for analytics cookies', default=False)

cookieconsent_analytics_about class-attribute instance-attribute

cookieconsent_analytics_about = RichTextField('Analytics cookies information to be displayed under "Learn More"', default='<p>With these cookies we count visits and traffic sources to help improve the performance of our services through metrics.  These cookies show us which pages on our services are the most and the least popular, and how users navigate our services.  The information collected is aggregated and contains no personally identifiable information.  If you block these cookies, then we will not know when you have used our services.</p>')

panels class-attribute instance-attribute

panels = [MultiFieldPanel([FieldPanel('cookieconsent_active'), FieldPanel('cookieconsent_title'), FieldPanel('cookieconsent_message'), FieldPanel('cookieconsent_essential_about'), FieldPanel('cookieconsent_analytics'), FieldPanel('cookieconsent_analytics_about')], 'Cookie banner')]


verbose_name class-attribute instance-attribute
verbose_name = 'Cookie banner settings'