def get_identicon(
data: str,
color: Union[str, None] = None,
background: Union[str, None] = None,
size: Union[int, int] = 50,
binarized = binarize(data)
color_data = binarized[:58] # Trim to 58 bits
field_data = binarized[58:] # Trim to 198 bits
if color is None:
segment_length = 6 # Length of each segment
color_map = {
0: "#5bc0eb", # blue
1: "#65a30d", # yellow
2: "#9bc53d", # green
3: "#e55934", # red
4: "#fa7921", # orange
# get the first 6 bits of the color data
color_data_segment = color_data[:segment_length]
# Convert the segment from binary to decimal
decimal_value = int(color_data_segment, 2)
# Use hashlib to generate a hash value based on the segment
hash_value = hashlib.md5(str(decimal_value).encode()).hexdigest()
# Convert the hash value to an integer
# thanks again ChatGPT! This conversion introduces a lot of randomness as the hash integer is quite large
# the line below (hash_integer % len(color_map)) divides the hash integer by the length of the color map (in this case 5)
# and returns the remainder, which is then used as the index for the color map
hash_integer = int(hash_value, 16)
# Map the integer value to an index within the range of available colors
color_index = hash_integer % len(color_map)
# Get the color based on the index
color = color_map[color_index]
color = "#" + color
fields = []
for _ in range(66):
fields.append(field_data[:3]) # get first 3 bits
field_data = field_data[3:] # then remove them
field_fill = []
for field in fields:
# convert bits to list (010 -> [0, 1, 0])
bit_list = list(field)
# sum all bits
bit_sum = int(bit_list[0]) + int(bit_list[1]) + int(bit_list[2])
if bit_sum <= 1:
elif bit_sum >= 2:
# x, y, x-limit (see comments above) (max: 11,11,6)
usable_grid_size = [5, 5, 3]
# credits to ChatGPT lol, didn't know this existed
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing("identicon.svg", size=(size, size))
if background is not None:
if background == "light":
background = "#ffffff"
elif background == "dark":
background = "#212121"
background = "#" + background
dwg.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (size, size), fill=background)) # fill background
except TypeError as err:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid background color – only pass on HEX colors without the '#' prefix or 'light'/'dark'"
) from err
# Size of each identicon cell (e.g. 250 / 5 = 50)
cell_size = size / usable_grid_size[0]
# iterate through y
for i in range(usable_grid_size[1]):
row_list = []
# iterate through x
for j in range(usable_grid_size[2]):
# i (row) * x (size, e.g. 11) + j (column index) -> list index
if field_fill[i * usable_grid_size[2] + j] is True:
# Calculate cell position
x = j * cell_size
y = i * cell_size
# Draw cell rectangle with the assigned color
dwg.add(dwg.rect((x, y), (cell_size, cell_size), fill=color))
except TypeError:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid fill color – only pass on HEX colors without the '#' prefix",
) from None
pass # pass instead of continue because continue would skip the row_list appending
# make a separate list for reversing
row_list.append(field_fill[i * usable_grid_size[2] + j])
# reverse the list & remove the first element (the middle one / x-limit)
row_list_reversed = list(reversed(row_list))[1:]
# make a separate index for the reversed list since k is not an index like j
row_list_index = 0
for k in row_list_reversed:
if k is True:
# Calculate cell position
x = (row_list_index + usable_grid_size[2]) * cell_size
y = i * cell_size
# Draw cell rectangle with the assigned color
dwg.add(dwg.rect((x, y), (cell_size, cell_size), fill=color))
except TypeError as err:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid fill color – only pass on HEX colors without the '#' prefix"
) from err
pass # pass instead of continue because continue would skip the index increment
row_list_index += 1
# Get the SVG as a string
return dwg.tostring()