def create_rapid_response_form(self):
focus_id = Category.objects.get(name="Focus").id
objectives_id = Category.objects.get(name="Objective(s)").id
beneficiaries_id = Category.objects.get(name="Beneficiaries").id
regions_id = Category.objects.get(name="Region(s)").id
addressed_id = Category.objects.get(name="Addressed problems").id
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"Requesting to receive services",
"Requesting to provide services",
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"type": "value",
"value": {
"field_label": "If you are applying for direct funding, how much do you need?",
"help_text": "Amount requested should be less than 50000 USD.",
"info": None,
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"field_label": "If you are requesting to receive or provide a service, what is it?",
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"choices": [
"Audit of presumably compromised websites",
"DDoS response and mitigation",
"Secure web hosting",
"monitoring and resiliency of websites during special events (elections, campaigns etc.)",
"VPN connections",
"Safe internet connections",
"Forensic analysis of digital attacks",
"Recovery of compromised websites",
"Malware analysis",
"Equipment replacements",
"Finding legal representation",
"Payment of legal fees",
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"help_text": "In other words, please describe your project\u2019s overall goal as well as specific objectives. What activities are you going to carry out in order to achieve your objectives?",
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"value": '<a href="\\/requests\\/rapid-response-fund">Open the Rapid Response Fund remit in a new window.</a>',
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"value": {
"field_label": "Why does it have to happen immediately or within the next few months?",
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"default_value": "",
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"value": "<h3>I acknowledge</h3>",
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"type": "checkbox",
"value": {
"field_label": "My application will be dismissed if it does not fit within OTF's mission, values, principles statements.",
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"id": "e695f0d7-4c74-4cc6-853f-bd62ecd19d3d",
"type": "text_markup",
"value": 'Read our <a href="\\/about/program">mission, values, and principles</a>.',
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"type": "checkbox",
"value": {
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"type": "text_markup",
"value": 'Read the <a href="\\/tos">Terms and Privacy policy</a>.',
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"value": {
"field_label": "I am legally able to sign contracts or represent an organization that can.",
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"field_label": "Sign up to the OTF-Announce list, low traffic (funding opportunities, major alerts, etc)",
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application_form, _ = ApplicationForm.objects.get_or_create(
name="Rapid response", defaults={"form_fields": json.dumps(data)}
return application_form